shenzhen pcb factory

PCB manufacture has re-started at our Shenzhen PCB factory following the Chinese New Year shutdown.

Orders placed over the last two weeks with our PCB manufacturing UK team are now in production in Shenzhen and boards will be shipped asap.

We are also delighted to announce the acquisition of extra factory space in Chongqing for 2024. This means that we have greater capacity to support demand for urgent orders at this busy time of year.

Request an instant PCB price from our team. We promise excellent service on every PCB manufacturing enquiry.

We look forward to working with you as your UK PCB supplier.


How to choose a Shenzhen PCB factory

Researching PCB Manufacturer Reputation

In addition to evaluating capabilities, it’s also important to research the reputation of PCB manufacturers. You can do this by checking customer reviews and testimonials on their website or other online platforms. Look for feedback on product quality, customer service, delivery times, and after-sales support.

A reputable PCB manufacturer will have a proven track record of delivering high-quality products on time and providing excellent customer service.

Comparing Prices

Price is an important factor when choosing a PCB board manufacturer but it should not be the sole deciding factor. While it’s natural to look for cost-effective solutions, compromising on quality can lead to higher costs in the long run due to product failures or reworks.

Remember that a slightly higher priced manufacturer might offer better value for money if they provide superior quality products and services.


Choosing a PCB manufacturer UK is a critical decision that can significantly impact the success of your project. By understanding your requirements, evaluating PCB manufacturing capabilities, researching their reputation, and comparing prices, you can make an informed choice that aligns with your project needs and budget constraints.

Remember that this process requires careful consideration and research. Don’t rush into making a decision but take your time to evaluate different options before finalizing one. After all, partnering with the right PCB board manufacturer can ensure smooth production processes and high-quality end products.


We would be delighted to be one of your UK PCB suppliers with a Shenzhen PCB factory. Simply upload your PCB gerber data here for an instant price. Our UK PCB sales team look forward to hearing from you.